If you gave me a pop quiz 6 months ago I would have had no clue was MVP, SaaS or VC stood for… ( Yes Dad. I will list them below for you x)
Now as I enter the 4 months of the Pioneer Incubator and I am about to start on the SBE Evolve program (which is an Incubator with the Minister for Women). I feel like I can now adequately address two questions.
What is an Incubator?
Essentially it’s an organisation or structure set up to help startup businesses evolve faster. They can be free, low cost and come with expertise and mentorship. It’s almost like a “college or a school”, you apply, participate in some detailed questions, put yourself on a platter and wait eagerly to see if you have been accepted.
Once that component is over, then the real exciting parts happen. You put your mind to work and focus, you have surrounded my peers and other entrepreneurs who maybe are from similar industries or not and you follow the course of the program.
How does it help you?
Like all good schools and colleges, you learn. You learn from your peers while you are all striving for growth. You learn from the course instructors either by doing activities they set out for you or when they review your platform. – This however will all depend on the type of Incubator you are in. What I do enjoy is being exposed to the others in the arena, who like you are busy building and creating. You may get to see other tools, pitch decks, and landing pages and from there, something may inspire you that you can implement too – ie “ Fancy typewriter text”.
In addition, while you are problem-solving and learning you are building up to something bigger. At the end or during the process, again it will depend on the type of program you are in, they will provide you with the opportunity to access investors. If that isn’t suited to you, point you in the right direction for what you are looking to do and where to grow.
What’s my long term vision?
To put CanTicket into the hands of thousands of small businesses across Australia and the world. Right now I am targeting other agencies, as they have the same issues I had – lack of transparency and accountability. Once we have 1001 monthly users I will commit to starting a not for profit for women of Domestic Violence who want to start a business, helping them launch online with practical sage advice and the digital tools do to succeed.
Access the full feature set for $16.95 per user.
CanTicket, so you can help yourself do business better while helping others.
Note: Due to an “I am human” mistake I did drop down to position 102. Over the past 3 weeks, I have been crawling my way back up. – Right now I am 28 Globally!
MVP = Minimal Viable Product
Saas -Software as a Service
VC = Venture Capital
Links: https://pioneer.app/leaderboard#global
Links : https://www.sbeaustralia.org/