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The Secret to a Successful Advertising Campaign: Part 3

We are back, as promised, with Part 3 of our blog on The Secret to a Successful Advertising Campaign! 

In Part 1 we covered Strategy and Building a Strong Foundation, Part 2 we talked about An Omnichannel Approach and last but not least, this blog focuses on setting a Reasonable Budget and Expectations.

So, let’s go…

3. Reasonable Budget and Expectations

As Henry Ford said “A man who stops marketing to save money, is like a man who stops a clock to save time”.

Although you should never underestimate free word-of-mouth marketing, as mentioned previously, it can only go so far (literally, sometimes restricted by location). And although word-of-mouth is considered free, there are certain costs along the way to achieve it in the first place. This might look like a thank you card with your products presented in a beautiful and branded custom box that makes their experience of receiving the product more enjoyable and gift-like. It might be the time you take on Google and social media platforms to reply to all your audience’s questions and reviews. Regardless, building that word-of-mouth costs money one way or another.

Effective marketing is credible, unique and most of all, memorable. Enough money should be allocated to your campaign to account for flexibility (some examples outlined in Part 1: Strategy blog) and ad frequency – the most important element for ad memorability.

We are not saying that you have to have an exorbitant budget for a successful campaign, but a lot of people underestimate the effort and time it takes to create an effective campaign from front end to backend (website banner designs, email header designs, email copy, social media graphics and videos, social media copy and the majority of it isn’t really visible such as SEO, website speed optimisation, coding certain discounts or functions to an existing website that may not have the ability to integrate… and so, so, so much more). This tends to lead people to a budget that is not relative.

So please don’t underestimate the power of marketing, investing in it will help secure more customers, increase your sales, help brand awareness and is usually always worth that initial investment.

Here’s the links in case you missed them:

The Secret to a Successful Advertising Campaign: Part 1
The Secret to a Successful Advertising Campaign: Part 2

Follow these tips to make your next marketing campaign super successful!

Kind regards,
Ash from the Candid Marketing Team